Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 )(Zombie Players Mode Edition)
Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 )(Burst Enhanced Edition) Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 )(SE Special Edition) Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 )(Green Blue Version) Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 )(Store Version) Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 )(Summon Mount Edition) Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 )(Ghost Wu Zuoma Version)

Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 )(Multi-Function Version) Metal Slug 3 (Ultimate Simplified Edition ) Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Heroes Dance 2020 ) Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Warriors Edition ) Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (You Ju Restored Version ) Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Phoenix Dance Dragon Song ) Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Martial Universe ) Kof'99 (Imitation PS Enhanced Edition Simplified ) Kof'99 (Imitation PS Enhanced Edition Original ) Kof'98 (Kingdom Protoss Terminator Edition ) Kof'97 (Full Character Special Skills BC Version ) Kof2002 (PlayStation 2 Final Edition BC ) Kof2002 (PlayStation 2 Extremely Simplified Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (God of War Edition Update ) Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Demon God Dance ) Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Full Attack Edition ) Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Full Attack Edition ) Captain Commando (Nightmare Edition Update ) Captain Commando (Elite Edition Update ) Armored Warriors (Full Attack Edition ) Converted external artwork (gnw_bride.zip, gnw_squeeze.zip, monaco.zip) to latest code, and included them in the download package. Due to a rewrite of the video rendering system, the hack code where "widestretch" is applied, was removed (render.cpp) Due to a rewrite of the sound system, the hack code in qs1000 was removed (qs1000.cpp) Voici les release notes pour ceux qui en possèdent: Les dérivés de MAME sortent en tir groupé. NES: PPU fix for glitch in Solstice intro Add option to not pause when window loses focus (app.pause_on_lost_focus in nemulator.ini) SMS: Fix IM mode 0 handling (Bubble Bobble, Alien 3) Detect bad header in Youkai Kuraba, Family Boxing, Damist '89 NES Mapper 32 fixes for Ai Sensei no Oshiete - Watashi no Hoshi (J) NES APU IRQ Fixes (Fixes SMB3 Spade Panel glitch) Add NES Mapper 189 (Thunder Warrior, SF2 World Warrior) NES fast mode emulation is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. This release is, and future releases will be, compiled for 圆4 only. nemulator now emulates the Nintendo Game Boy! Cette nouvelle version apporte notamment l'émulateur du GameBoy. Cet émulateur multi-systèmes 8-bit n'avait pas été mis à jour depuis presque 4 ans.